

Lindsey, Krista, and me

me and Eric

Jenae, me, Krista, and Peanut

Jessica, Court, Alecia, and me

me, Bridgy, Lindz, and Krista

Lindz and me

me and Krista

Sanchez, Bridgy, me, and Lindsey after sledding down Browning Bowl

me and Jessica

me, Court, CoCo, George, Peanut, Alecia, and Michael ICE-SKATING!!!

Alecia and me ICE-SKATING!!!

Bridgy, CoCo, Lauren, Bibby, me, and Court ICE-SKATING!!!

Peanut, Court, George, me, Alecia, and Jessica ICE-SKATING!!!



Kendra made me name six weird things about myself. Is it bad that I came up with more than that?...

1. If I had to get a tattoo, it would be a tiny star on the bottom of my foot.

2. I eat TONS of sugar, don't exercise, and still stay thin.

3. I don't like fruit. Any of it. And, like Kendra, I CAN taste lettuce! Blech!

4. I chew on ice (lots of it) at almost every meal.

5. I am terrified of haircuts; I trust only two people to cut my hair; thus, I pay a ton for a simple haircut.

6. I can't stop myself from crying when I'm really mad (which only makes me MORE mad...).

7. I sing random songs loudly and very badly.

8. My roommate and I yell threats at each other. And we think it's hilarious.

9. I bounce up and down all the time (my RA suggested this one... ha ha).


me and my awesome roommate Lindsey

me and Krista

me and Courtney

me, Alecia, and Simone


Your Mom Goes to College

Kendra, this is dedicated to you. :) So, I'm in college now! It's crazy! I guess I'm adjusting okay to it, but all these late nights and classes are about to do me in. :) No, I'll be fine. However, I'm getting pretty bad on this procrastinating thing... Hard to break old habits. Anyways, I have a paper due on Thursday, and I promised myself I was going to get at least a rough draft done this weekend (which is about to end!), or else I'd never get it done. So I told myself that I was gonna go to the computer lab and I wasn't allowed to leave until I was done. Well, it might be a while because I've already been here about an hour and I still have a blank page. It's bad news. I checked me e-mail, I looked at Kendra's blog for a while, I talked to this guy in the computer lab who is in my class (and trying to write his paper too, ha ha), and now I'm doing this. Bad me! I need to write my paper! It has to be 3-4 pages long and I have no idea what I'm gonna write about. This sucks! Grr. College is fun, though. My roommate is awesome and so are my neighbors. And I'm staying fairly busy (except on the weekends--they're dead around here). I have a Hall Council meeting tonight, and a pizza party with my mentor group tomorrow. So I'd better get on with it... Even though I dread writing this dumb paper... Oh man, I have GOT to get used to this! College is gonna suck if every paper I have to write treats me like this! :)


Homecoming is Here!

Homecoming week! On Monday at school was Pajama Day (nice...) and Tuesday was Wanna-Be Day (which was stupid), and Wednesday was 80s Day (I wore a bright green, extra-large T-shirt tucked into my tight-rolled jeans with bright orange socks pushed down around my ankles, ha ha), and today was Grafitti Day, and tomorrow we (the cheerleaders) are wearing red and white for most of the day and our dance outfits for part of the day. And speaking of the dance, it's super-awesome. There are a few in our group that are not very sharp on their movements and a few more that don't stay on beat, but hopefully they'll pull it together for tomorrow. Anyways, here's our dance sequence: We come out to "Carwash" with sponges in our hands (hee hee) and then while the rest of us are dancing Sarah does an extension with our lovely stunters: Jeremy Anderson (sr.), Goldie Boling (sr.), and Matt Wikowsky (jr.). Then the song ends and she pop cradles during the intro, then we go to a new formation and do a dance to "1, 2 Step" and half-way through we all go to do a stunt: Goldie and Sarah hold Abby in an elevator with Bridget spotting. Jeremy and Matt hold Alissa in an elevator right behind Abby with me spotting. Then Alissa's goes up into an extension, and on a certain hard beat of the song she leans forward and puts her hands on Abby's shoulders (cool, huh?). Then we come down and go to our new formation, and "Hot Hot Hot" begins. It involves some cha-cha-ing and some shimmy-ing. :) Then half-way through Bridget and I go back and do a stunt behind the other girls. It's a double-thigh-stand (I stand on Jeremy & Goldie, Bridget stands on Matt & Goldie), then Goldie stands up with our feet on her shoulders (while we're still standing on Matt & Jeremy), so that it's a kind of hitch thingie. Then we get down after hitting an ending pose on the song, and we all cheer "We're hot, you're hot, he's hot (pointing at Jeremy, who's doing cool flips in front of us), let's hear it!" and while we're doing that we're moving to a new position. Then we do a dance to a "Bring 'Em Out" mix, and after that's done, we all do a toe touch to a cheer mix (except for Sarah, who does a toe touch basket toss at the same time as we all jump!). Then Bridget and Sarah hit the crowd while Abby, Alissa, and I get ready for basket tosses. Abby and Alissa both do straight-up basket tosses, but I do a toe touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then as soon as they catch me they toss me in front and we all hit our ending pose. It's super-great. Now I'll tell about my toe touch. We practiced this morning (at 7 am, ugh) and none of us had done a toe touch as of yet. So I was like, "I'm gonna try this, okay?" and Jeremy's like, "What do we do?" and I was like, "Exact same thing you do for the normal ones." So we were getting ready and I was like, "Wait, I have to pray." So I prayed that I wouldn't mess up and that they wouldn't drop me, and then I took a shot at it and I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my first time! I piked a little too hard, but they caught me anyway. Hooray! So then I did it again, and then Sarah did it, but Abby's isn't quite high enough to do it and Alissa didn't want to do it. So we did the dance through a couple more times, and then we practiced the baskets a few more times, and I royally screwed up one cause I leaned backward instead of piking well. It was pretty bad. So right after that Sarah and Bridget were like, "I don't think you should do that tomorrow." Which kindof made me mad, cause you don't give up after three tries. But anyway, I was like, "NO. You have no idea how much I wanna do this. I'm going to fix it." So I tried it again and I did it right. Take that, Sarah and Bridget. I DO NOT GIVE UP THAT EASILY!!! So anyways, we were doing it again after school today, and people were watching (which normally I would've made them leave, but it was RIGHT after school and people were doing the Spirit Walls, so I was just like, whatever). So then after we did it, Amanda Helton came up to Mrs. Bimson and said real' soft like she didn't want me to hear (but I did), "Megan's a little off from everyone else." And Mrs. Bimson was like, "No, everyone else listens to the music but she stays with the beat." So that really sucks, cause if everyone else doesn't stay on beat, I'M the one who looks like a moron (which is what happened my freshman year, when everyone was laughing at me cause I was off, when really EVERY SINGLE OTHER GIRL was off and I was the only one ON the beat! grr). So that sucks a LOT and kinda makes me mad as well. It's frustrating. Oh well, Homecoming's tomorrow and I can't do a lot about it now. I'll just pray really hard that they don't screw it up for me... Anyways... I DID A BASKET TOSS AND I'M REALLY PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



OH! MY! COW! I am so brave today. Okay, so the North Shelby Tournament is this week, and tonight was our first game, and we were in the hospitality room waiting for it to start, and Bridget showed me this senior picture of a guy on the North Shelby basketball team (who I think is super-hott) on the teacher's file cabinet. And he had on a sleeveless black shirt and was holding a BOW! I almost wet myself. I was like, "I've GOT to get one of those!" And anyway, I was off drooling and later Leah told me she'd been talking to him and told him one of her friends thought he was really cute and wanted one of his senior pictures, and he asked her who, and she told him a cheerleader, and he was like, "Tell her to come ask for one, and I'll give it to her." So I was like, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and so later I went in there with her and made an idiot of myself cause I was embarrassed and shy, and so finally I asked and he's like, "Yeah, can you wait till the game starts so I can leave (he was working concessions) and go get it?" And I just nodded like a fool, so later after the game I walked by his locker on the way to the hospitality room to get my stuff, and he's showed me them to choose from. Well, I HAD to get the bow one, cause hunting is a big turn-on for me. But he had some others that were HOTT! One in a black tank top leaning on something with his sexy arms crossed in front of him, and one where he was shirtless and he has a SIX-PACK!!!! And then there was one with a baseball glove and bat and I was like, "Oh, you play baseball too?" and he's like, "Yeah, baseball's my sport. Basketball's just something I do." Which is saying something, cause he's REALLY GOOD at basketball. Anyways, then he asked if Sarah wanted one (she'd followed me there) and she was like, "No, that's okay," which is really sad cause I'd totally have taken it. :) But she asked him if we could take a picture WITH him (we decided to take pictures with all the hott basketball players from other teams), and so we got a good one of him and me and Sarah. :) Anyways, then when we got on the bus Maggie and Vannah and Heidi were jealous cause they think he's hott too, and Kayla Tuley (who is a player, but thinks he's hott) asked me if we were gonna hook up. Which I didn't know what to think about, cause in my experience "hook up" means "have casual sex." So I was like, "umm... no...." Anyways. Yeah. Totally brave momvnt for me, cause I'm a big shy pansy. But I've got the picture. :) !!!!!!!!! :)


Senior Year

Senior year is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I happened to have created THE coolest stocking this year. It has a cool picture of our class getting our Christmas tree on the top, and then on the bottom it has two oddly-placed cotton balls, my name in boring black letters, and two pictures: one of a buffalo and one of a steak. It was funny, cause I didn't know what to do, and Chet told me the cotton balls and name and buffalo and steak, making a joke. And so I went and did it, and I think he was surprised that I actually did it, cause most girls are all, "Mine has to look sooooo pretty!" Anyways, it's stinking HILARIOUS. Now, I must go get a snack.