Your Mom Goes to College
Kendra, this is dedicated to you. :) So, I'm in college now! It's crazy! I guess I'm adjusting okay to it, but all these late nights and classes are about to do me in. :) No, I'll be fine. However, I'm getting pretty bad on this procrastinating thing... Hard to break old habits. Anyways, I have a paper due on Thursday, and I promised myself I was going to get at least a rough draft done this weekend (which is about to end!), or else I'd never get it done. So I told myself that I was gonna go to the computer lab and I wasn't allowed to leave until I was done. Well, it might be a while because I've already been here about an hour and I still have a blank page. It's bad news. I checked me e-mail, I looked at Kendra's blog for a while, I talked to this guy in the computer lab who is in my class (and trying to write his paper too, ha ha), and now I'm doing this. Bad me! I need to write my paper! It has to be 3-4 pages long and I have no idea what I'm gonna write about. This sucks! Grr. College is fun, though. My roommate is awesome and so are my neighbors. And I'm staying fairly busy (except on the weekends--they're dead around here). I have a Hall Council meeting tonight, and a pizza party with my mentor group tomorrow. So I'd better get on with it... Even though I dread writing this dumb paper... Oh man, I have GOT to get used to this! College is gonna suck if every paper I have to write treats me like this! :)
You are hilarious!!! It will get better with the papers. I hope you get it written. :) Love ya!
7:19 AM
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