


Kendra made me name six weird things about myself. Is it bad that I came up with more than that?...

1. If I had to get a tattoo, it would be a tiny star on the bottom of my foot.

2. I eat TONS of sugar, don't exercise, and still stay thin.

3. I don't like fruit. Any of it. And, like Kendra, I CAN taste lettuce! Blech!

4. I chew on ice (lots of it) at almost every meal.

5. I am terrified of haircuts; I trust only two people to cut my hair; thus, I pay a ton for a simple haircut.

6. I can't stop myself from crying when I'm really mad (which only makes me MORE mad...).

7. I sing random songs loudly and very badly.

8. My roommate and I yell threats at each other. And we think it's hilarious.

9. I bounce up and down all the time (my RA suggested this one... ha ha).


Blogger Kendra said...

The fact that you are willing to share more than required makes you even weirder. Such a weirdo!!! See you soon!

3:04 PM


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