


OH! MY! COW! I am so brave today. Okay, so the North Shelby Tournament is this week, and tonight was our first game, and we were in the hospitality room waiting for it to start, and Bridget showed me this senior picture of a guy on the North Shelby basketball team (who I think is super-hott) on the teacher's file cabinet. And he had on a sleeveless black shirt and was holding a BOW! I almost wet myself. I was like, "I've GOT to get one of those!" And anyway, I was off drooling and later Leah told me she'd been talking to him and told him one of her friends thought he was really cute and wanted one of his senior pictures, and he asked her who, and she told him a cheerleader, and he was like, "Tell her to come ask for one, and I'll give it to her." So I was like, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and so later I went in there with her and made an idiot of myself cause I was embarrassed and shy, and so finally I asked and he's like, "Yeah, can you wait till the game starts so I can leave (he was working concessions) and go get it?" And I just nodded like a fool, so later after the game I walked by his locker on the way to the hospitality room to get my stuff, and he's showed me them to choose from. Well, I HAD to get the bow one, cause hunting is a big turn-on for me. But he had some others that were HOTT! One in a black tank top leaning on something with his sexy arms crossed in front of him, and one where he was shirtless and he has a SIX-PACK!!!! And then there was one with a baseball glove and bat and I was like, "Oh, you play baseball too?" and he's like, "Yeah, baseball's my sport. Basketball's just something I do." Which is saying something, cause he's REALLY GOOD at basketball. Anyways, then he asked if Sarah wanted one (she'd followed me there) and she was like, "No, that's okay," which is really sad cause I'd totally have taken it. :) But she asked him if we could take a picture WITH him (we decided to take pictures with all the hott basketball players from other teams), and so we got a good one of him and me and Sarah. :) Anyways, then when we got on the bus Maggie and Vannah and Heidi were jealous cause they think he's hott too, and Kayla Tuley (who is a player, but thinks he's hott) asked me if we were gonna hook up. Which I didn't know what to think about, cause in my experience "hook up" means "have casual sex." So I was like, "umm... no...." Anyways. Yeah. Totally brave momvnt for me, cause I'm a big shy pansy. But I've got the picture. :) !!!!!!!!! :)


Blogger Kendra said...

I will have to see this picture to find out if he's truly hott! :) I'm proud of you. Think maybe this could turn in to something? Fill me in!

7:18 AM

Blogger Megan said...

NO! Maggie the Jerk Hastings stole him. :( I'll tell you more about it later...

10:19 PM


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